
نحن نفـــــخر بمــــــعارفنا ومــــــــهاراتنا وخــــــــبراتنا المـــوظفون الـذين يعملـــــــون معًا كفريـــــق واحد يحــــــققون النـجاح المشاريع. تـقدير أهمية العلاقات، لدينا نهج تعاوني مرن ويمكن الاستـــــــجابة له بسرعة احتياجات عملائنا. تأسست عام 2014، ولديها أكثر من 5 سنوات من الــــــــــــــخبرة في مجال الطرق البناء وتجديد المبانـــــــــــي وتوريد الأثاث المكتبي والعامة التداول، لقد بنينا على نقاط قـــــوتنا لنصبح عراقيين ناجحين للغاية الشركة الـــــــمملوكة . نــــــــحن من ذوي الخبرة، ولدينا سجل حافل في مجــــــــموعة كبيرة ومتنوعة من البناء المدني بمـــــــا في ذلك : بناء الطرق, النقل ومعالجة المواد وتوريد الأثاث والمكتب تجديد.

Concrete building works inside Gharraf Area

Heavy vehicle supply

Catering services

Logistics and supply chain

Road network planning and execution inside Gharraf Area

Manpower supply

Heavy machinery supply

Company advisory services

Message from the CEO

As a leading company in the contracting industry, Al Measaq has extensive experience in public contracts ranging from catering services to construction services, from contracts with local authorities and companies, to the supply of materials and manpower to O&G, to the planning and implementation of various projects with organizations. Our goal is to maintain a high level of service which raises our name to a higher level on the scale of companies worth relying on and investing in. Our team of professionals ranges from managers and engineers to international executive chefs and facilities management specialists. Al Measaq Company is honored to be a leading name in the industry with the goal of being more experienced and professional, and we value our employees and the employees we work with. Continuous learning and development is our main concern to continue immersing ourselves in the ever growing and expanding market and industry.

جوائز فاز
مراجعات إيجابية
المشاريع المنجزة
Logistics and supply chain
Manpower supply
Catering services
Heavy machinery supply
Company advisory services

لماذا اخترت لنا؟


التق بفريقنا

Mona Matthews

Pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account

Rosalina D. William

Pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account

Nashid Martines

Pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account

Konne Backfield

Pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account

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